Millions of Americans Suffering From `Successphobia`
Released on = December 16, 2005, 1:16 pm
Press Release Author = Living On The Up Beat, LLC
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Everyone wants success. We all love the idea of making a lot of money, having respect, and being the center of attention. Or so we say. In fact, while we talk about the pleasures of success, when it comes to the crunch, millions of Americans get cold feet and start looking for excuses to avoid being in the spotlight and keep their safe anonymity instead of facing the challenges of having all eyes on them.
\"I meet lots of people who tell me they want to be successful, and they get all excited about what they will do with the money they want to make,\" says Andrea Rains Waggener, the Up Beat Life Advisor, whose website, provides books, articles, and other resources for living an up beat and successful life. \"But I also see huge numbers of these people fail to take action in their lives not because they can\'t do what they need to to be successful but because they\'re just scared to step up--even though they know they\'ll love it when they finally reach their goal. They suffer from what I call \'successphobia,\' a fear of having the financial, personal, and professional success they want.\"
The five signs of \"successphobia\" are:
1. Making lists of to dos that never getting around to doing them.
2. Continually setting goals but never achieving them.
3. Talking about what\'s wanted instead of taking action to get it.
4. Owning bookshelves full of advice on how to make money but having a paltry bank balance.
5. Possessing great talent but never getting around to using it.
Successphobia isn\'t the same as procrastination. It\'s having the intention to do something now but allowing the fear of responsibility to prevent someone who wants success from doing what they need to do to get it.
\"Everyone gets butterflies in their belly when they think about suddenly being the one that everyone is focused on,\" says Andrea. \"For those who let those butterflies stop them from taking action to get what they want, I can show them how to develop some inner qualities that will help them put those fears behind them and go for their dreams.\"
Andrea\'s book, Healthy, Wealthy & Wise--52 Life-changing Lessons for the 21st Century, provides a detailed discussion of 52 inner qualities, how those qualities can improve life, and how to develop them. A list of the qualities, as well as an excerpt from the book can be seen at Andrea\'s website,
Contact Andrea Rains Waggener at (360) 581-4085 or e-mail her at for more insights into this topic. Andrea has been featured in Fitness, Shape, and Diane magazines. She's been a guest on Pacific Northwest TV's Northwest Afternoon and Being In Seattle, as well as on several radio talk shows. More information about Andrea\'s books and articles, along with Andrea\'s inspiring blog, can be found at tp://
Web Site =
Contact Details = Andrea Rains Waggener
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